Casey Anthony: Does Cindy Believe Casey Did It?

This is a VERY long post but it’s the full transcript from the January 22 episode of “On the Record” with Greta Van Susteren featuring in depth information about the case with Internet writer Sean Krause.

Krause has spoken privately with Cindy Anthony numerous times over the past half year and discusses his conversations with Cindy.

There is a lot of  interesting dialogue in this interview and I know that we typically have a very lively discussion so please feel free to live your thoughts/comments.

From Fox News:

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: More stunning new information is emerging about the Caylee Anthony murder investigation: 311 pages of newly released documents give us more information than we have ever had before about the case.

The toddler’s mother Casey is in jail. Her mother Cindy has been defending her publicly, but what is she saying privately? Our next guest knows. Internet writer Sean Krause joins us live.

Sean corresponded extensively with Cindy after Caylee was reported missing, and also spoke with her on the phone, and the conversations are detailed in the new documents.

Sean, thank you for joining us. Sean, first, how did you even develop this e-mail/phone relationship with Cindy Anthony?

SEAN KRAUSE, INTERNET WRITER: Well, first of all, Greta, I just want to say thank you for putting me on your show.

I actually met Cindy Anthony, or not met, actually spoke to Cindy Anthony through Mark NeJame. Him and I corresponded based on an article that he had asked me to pull.

So I had pulled the article, and in hindsight of that, I was able to develop a relationship with his client at the time, Cindy Anthony.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, what did Cindy tell you about whether or not she was suspicious of her daughter, or not?

KRAUSE: Well, you know, it took awhile for her to warm up, because she doesn’t trust people. That’s the thing with her. She is very quick to judge. You have to kind of do for her, and then she will do for you. And that is kind of her motto.

It was a little bit before Thanksgiving when she had said – when her demeanor had changed, and she believed in her heart that Casey Anthony had obviously done something to her daughter. And she used the word “something,” and she would not elaborate on that.

VAN SUSTEREN: Just so I understand, you have an Internet Web site, is that right?

KRAUSE: That’s correct.

VAN SUSTEREN: And you were posting about this investigation, and Mark NeJame, who you mentioned, was at the time the lawyer for Cindy and George Anthony, which is why he happened to contact you, and why you happened to develop this relationship with Cindy?

KRAUSE: Right. Me and Mark NeJame Jane were very good friends. In fact I spoke with him tonight. He was at a basketball game.

Him and I, we correspond with each other, and we have developed — we have been good friends ever since.

VAN SUSTEREN: You do not live in Orlando, do you, or in the Orlando area?

KRAUSE: No, I do not live in the Orlando area. We communicate back and forth through the various aspects of the case.

And he is a very great guy. I have nothing but love and respect for the guy for his profession as a lawyer and for his care. He is a really, really great guy, and I have nothing bad to say about him.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you and Cindy still talk?

KRAUSE: The communication ended after she had said that she was hacked. And that was a bunch of crap. And that is what led me to forward all of my emails, all of my texts, and all of my correspondence with Cindy to Uri Malick(ph), and John–

VAN SUSTEREN: Who are they?

KRAUSE: They are the lead investigators in the Casey Anthony saga. They are the ones that have conducted all of the interviews and such up until this point. Actually, Uri(ph) had contacted me.

VAN SUSTEREN: So you have actually turned over your correspondence, e-mail correspondence with Cindy to the authorities?

KRAUSE: Correct. And as of right now, I am aware that the state attorney’s office has my interview. It is up to the mainstream media to decide whether or not they want to pull that interview for the freedom — what I believe is the Freedom of Information Act, and such.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is there anything that Cindy told you that strikes you as important to the investigation?

KRAUSE: Cindy is very, I mean, she often called because she was very stressed. She had a lot of issues. Whenever–

VAN SUSTEREN: Like what?

KRAUSE: Well, whenever there was a Caylee sighting and it turned out to be false, she would give me a call, and she would be very distraught. She would still keep on the hope.

And it was a very weird relationship, because she would call me sometimes at midnight or even 2:30 in the morning. It kind of felt like Dr. Phil for a little bit listening to her, but I felt bad for the lady.

But what struck me as odd, though, was that around the same time that she had stated that she had believed that Casey had something to do [with] her daughter, Caylee. … I’m sorry–she believes in her heart that her daughter is a sociopath. That is what she admitted to me, and that is what we discussed.

You know, we discussed Casey. We discussed Caylee. And we discussed her own private life.

VAN SUSTEREN: Sean, thank you very much for joining us.

KRAUSE: Sure. No problem, Greta.

VAN SUSTEREN: Up next, text messages become huge clues in the Casey Anthony case. We will read you actual text messages sent to Casey the day her daughter was reported missing, the day Casey was arrested. Plus, a stunning message from Casey’s ex-fiancee.

Then part two of Sean Hannity’s rare on camera interview with Rush Limbaugh. Rush has an ominous warning for Republican politicians as President Obama’s turn begins. That is coming up.



VAN SUSTEREN: More new information tonight in the Casey Anthony case. We have Casey Anthony’s text messages. Her text messages give us new clues about what Casey was up two. Casey has always claimed she was looking for her missing daughter on her own before the little girl was even reported missing.

But these text messages paint a different story. Little Caylee was reported missing on July 15. Three days earlier, Casey was not busy looking. At July 12 at 1:27 p.m., Casey gets a text message from an unknown person. It reads – “If I get everyone together for you tonight, are you down to have fun.”

Later that night, 7:41 p.m., Casey gets another text message from the same unknown person. It reads “Back booth tonight, 80s retro dancing. Tonight, it’s on.”

July 14, 9:39 p.m., the day before Cindy Anthony reports her granddaughter missing, Casey gets a text from a different unknown person- “Scoops tonight.” “Scoops” is a nightclub in Orlando. The message also has a smiley face.

The next day, July 15, Casey Anthony’s world begins to crumble. At 4:27 p.m. that day, Casey gets a text message from her mother–“Call me ASAP. Major prob.” That may be the understatement of the century.

That same day, starting about 8:40 p.m., Cindy Anthony 911 three times, and eventually reports her granddaughter Caylee missing.

The next day, July 16, the day that Casey Anthony is first arrested, she receives a text message at 6:50 a.m. It’s her boyfriend, Anthony Lazzaro. It reads–“Where is Caylee?” Eight minutes later Lazzaro sends another text message. It reads– “Why wouldn’t you tell me, of all people? I was your boyfriend that cares about you and your daughter. It doesn’t make sense to me. Why would you lie to me, thinking she was fine and with your nanny?”

Then, six minutes later, at 7:04 a.m., another text from Lazzaro, this one an important clue. It reads “Who is this Zannie nanny person?”

8:42 a.m. that morning, we do have a record of one text message sent from Casey. It is a mass texts that simply read–“Caylee is missing. She has been for 32 days now. Please, if you have any information, call me on my cell at home.”

At that point Casey’s inbox is flooded with text messages. Over the next four and a half hours, Casey receives 47 text messages from 13 numbers.

Later that morning, 10:04 a.m., Casey’s ex fiancee Jesse Grund sends her a text that sums up many people’s feelings about the case. It reads, “32 days–is that a misprint?” Joining us live is former LAPD homicide detective Mark Fuhrman, forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden, and Orlando Defense Attorney Diana Tennis. Diana, let me start with you. Jose Baez has his work cut out for him with all these text messages, does he not? It certainly fills in the blanks as to what’s going on.

DIANA TENNIS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I wouldn’t call it direct evidence of first-degree murder, and I think there is some question about whether all of them will be admissible to a jury. But my first thought is, whatever the truth is, this is not normal behavior. Whether your child is missing, and you have had a part in it, or you have not had a part in it, there is almost a dissociative aspect to her behavior around these events.

And I hope that her lawyer is looking into, again, the mental health aspect of this, because that may be what her defense needs.

VAN SUSTEREN: Except that the thing is that’s where all we good defense lawyer go to the insanity defense, but I assume that the law in Florida is like every place else – it’s that you do not know what you have done is wrong.

And when you start covering your tracks and start lying and hiding and doing all of those things, that is such a big flag that, yes, you knew it was wrong. It is not like you did not appreciate the wrongfulness.

So this may look nutty to the rest of us, but not legally insane.

TENNIS: And that may be true. But there are aspects to her lying that that even goes beyond what we think of as pathological lying. She seems to believe a lot of it, and it isn’t on the same level as the rest of us when it comes to what reality is.

I do not know. I just hope it has been looked into.

VAN SUSTEREN: Mark, as you go through these text messages, what do you think?

MARK FUHRMAN, FORMER LAPD HOMICIDE DETECTIVE: Well, I think the most disturbing one, Great, for Casey Anthony, as she says on the morning of the 16th, Caylee has been missing for 32 days.

That means that the child has been missing, and we know the child is dead. That places the time of death squarely on June 16. There is no doubt now that that is the date of the death, and this is a corroboration.

And now you can go from that timeline, the 16th, and start putting together the body, the body that was already in the putrification stage of decomposition, was placed in that vehicle after George Anthony saw it on the 24th.

So between the 24th and the 30th, the child was moved from its original location after death. That’s what the most important in this text message is to me.

VAN SUSTEREN: Here is another chilling one, Dr. Baden. On July 16, one that is sent to Casey Anthony. This was after the one where she announced to the world that the child had been missing 32 days.

A response to her was, “Did she say anything,” meaning the nanny, “That would imply that she wanted a child of her own before they ran off?”

That suggests to me that this elaborate story about Zenaida had been pawned off on her friends, and she is trying to do the big coverup on that, which shows someone thinking, who know that what she is doing is wrong and is insane.

DR. MICHAEL BADEN, FORENSIC PATHOLOGIST: You’re absolutely right. That doesn’t indicate that she didn’t know the difference between a right or wrong, or that she is in any way legally insane. But it is of interest to me is that with all of these unknown texters, is any of them the father of the child? The DNA coming from the skeleton, from the hair, from the bone marrow and all, should have by this time told the police who the father was.

And it would be interesting if she is still having relationships with the father, or if the father knows something that’s of significance in the investigation.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, I do not think the father has ever been identified. I don’t know if, regrettably, whether even Casey is aware of who the father is with any level of certainty. But it certainly is–this does not — there is nothing in any of these text messages that shows any concern for this child. And the jury is going to hear that, Mark, right?

FUHRMAN: That is an understatement, Greta. And I think all of this will be admissible, because it does not have to be acquired on a search warrant that can be scrutinized by a defense attorney. Somebody that actually has a copy of these texts is allowed to have them can simply give them to law enforcement, and they are admissible.

So it can be argued all you want, but–

VAN SUSTEREN: And, Diana, I am with you. Unless they can show that body was moved there after she went to jail, they are going to try to say she is insane, because that is the last-ditch effort. But it’s going to be a hard sell.

I have to go. Panel, thank you. I hope you all come back.

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6 Comments on “Casey Anthony: Does Cindy Believe Casey Did It?”

  1. Rachel Says:

    Sean Krause is a nasty ass aids victim

  2. Mylissa Says:

    Well there is a few lies I have seen this SEAN KRAUSE say.. On his website he says ” I personally know Cindy Anthony ” on Greta he said I actually met Cindy Anthony, or not met, actually spoke to Cindy Anthony.He always said he lived in Orlando at one point I believe he said he lived close to the Anthny home, Witch now I know he doesn’t.

    He is a WANNA BE news reporter who thinks hes cool case he wants to be in this case like everyone else.GET A REAL JOB stop acting like your bad ass,who cares if your on talk shows hes like everyone else wants to be in the middle of this madness it’s sick.GET A FLIPPIN LIFE

  3. Donna Says:

    In my opinion Krause is just another NUT looking for his 15 minutes of fame!

  4. Boston Says:

    Cindy and George both knew that something horrible happened to Caylee the day they picked up the car from the towyard.

  5. Jill from Western Australia Says:

    This is soooo gruesome…please bury Caylee A.S.A.P.

  6. luvanrs Says:

    I like Fuhrman’s comments. Now we have a timeline, corroborated by Casey. Caylee had been missing (dead) for 32 days.

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