Judge Denies Request to Ban Protesters, Press From Casey Anthony’s Neighborhood

A judge has denied a Florida homeowners association’s request to keep protesters and members of the media out of Casey Anthony’s neighborhood. The neighbors of the Anthony family had recently asked a judge to force protesters and members of the media away from their homes.

Associated Press

Credit: Associated Press

From Fox News:

An Orange County judge wrote in her decision that the association again failed to adequately notify the protesters of the pleading and give them time to defend themselves against the allegations.

Anthony’s daughter, Caylee, was last seen in June.

Investigators say Anthony, 22, is a “person of interest” in the case and evidence indicates the girl’s decomposing body was in her mother’s car.

But Anthony has repeatedly said she doesn’t know what happened to the girl.

She has been charged with child neglect, making false statements and obstruction.

Anthony also faces unrelated check fraud charges and is currently at home with her parents on house arrest after several stints in the Orange County Jail.

Last week, investigators released text message and voicemail transcripts, interviews and other evidence documents Friday in the case of a missing Florida toddler.

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3 Comments on “Judge Denies Request to Ban Protesters, Press From Casey Anthony’s Neighborhood”

  1. pak31 Says:

    That’s really too bad actually. They need to go away. Many of them should sit down and listen to George Anthony’s police interview. It’s obvious by what he says in the interview that Casey has not always been the best daughter, they love her and try to trust her which is normal for parents, but they know she’s not always on the up and up. I just don’t think they realized she was soooo messed up. George is frustrated, he’s cooperated with the police. These protesters would realize that if they would listen to his interview. Then they need to put themselves in his shoes. It’s really easy to look at someone else and tell them they should have done this or they should do that. Hindsight is 20/20 and you can’t change what has happened by yelling and screaming at G & C. These people don’t know the Anthony’s so it’s not fair to judge them. The police are doing an excellent job, they are covering every aspect of the timeline and the case. Let them do their job and leave the Anthony’s alone. I think the protesters have a lot of nerve. Listening to George talk, I feel bad for him. He is a victim too. They gave Caylee everything she had, people should support them not be against them.

  2. Jill Southern Says:

    Check Cocoa Beach for the body. Cocoa beach is not far from Orlando airport, which is why her cell phone pinged near the Orlando airport. She keeps telling people about Jay Blanchard park, but she probably drove the body to the beach and dumped it or buried it there. Go to Cocoa beach and search, check trash from around the time the child went missing. Keep looking!

  3. Mand Says:

    I don’t understand why these so called protesters are not arrested for creating a public disturbance or being a public nuisances. If they started arresting them on a regular basis they would stop. this is not an organized protest this is a bunch of low life idiots looking to get on the tube, a bunch of trash. There are many ways to help in the finding of Caylee, constructive things that one could do to help,of course no TVl lights. If they were all that caring they would care about the other people in the neighborhood, they should not have their lives disrupted because of the Anthony family

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